Wednesday, June 3, 2009

As Tiller's Murder Proves, Lack of Church Discipline Can be Deadly

As Tiller's Murder Proves, Lack of Church Discipline Can be Deadly

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 31 /Christian Newswire/ -- There is nobody more to blame for the murder of George Tiller than Reformation Lutheran Church, ELCA, in Wichita Kansas.

Mr. Tiller lived quite the murderous life himself, pulling viable babies out by their legs and sucking their brains out with a vacuum. Other Churches called him to repentance and excommunicated him, but Reformation Lutheran, ELCA, enthusiastically embraced him, pocketbook and all

Church discipline, and the call to repentance, is a matter of life and death in the Church. As Reformation Lutheran mops up Tiller's blood from their foyer floor, let them not forget that his blood is also on their hands.

Had they called Tiller to repentance, as Jesus commands the Church, he would not have been there this Pentecost Sunday to face a violent death. The failure of the Church to fulfill God's commission is deadly, and has eternal implications. But just perhaps Reformation Lutheran, ELCA, will humbly repent for the evil they have been complicit in all these years.

Members at Reformation Lutheran are shocked that the safety and peace of their sanctuary has been destroyed by such violence this morning. They have gotten a glimpse of what it was like for babies, whose sanctuary was the womb, to be viciously torn apart piece by piece by a man who masqueraded as both a doctor and a Christian.

As the executioner says before carrying out the judgment of the court in the death chamber, "God have mercy on his soul."

Rev. CJ Conner is the author of "Jesus and the Culture Wars: Reclaiming the Lord's Prayer."

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