By Andreas Klamm, news correspondent

Michael Jackson, The King of Pop was an excellent artist which knew how to be creative. Photo: Antonio Manfredonio / Creative Commons – Share Alike
Los Angeles. June 27, 2009. The mourning after the for many people and friends unexpected death of The King Of Pop, entertainer and singer Michael Jackson is great.
As legions and millions of people wanted to express their condolences, their feelings about the loss of The King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, web communities such as Twitter , Facebook and other international services have reach their technical limits.
The King Of Pop has suffered from a cardiac arrest on June 25, on 12.21 p.m. And has been officially pronounced dead at 2.26 p.m. on June 25, 2009 in the city of Los Angeles in the United States of America (U.S.A.).
Physicians have tried for about one hour at the Ronald Reagan Hospital with the UCLA Medical Center to save the life of the Pop icon and The King of Pop, Michael Jackson. While these physicians and nurses sometimes are able to perform some kind of miracles in this special situation they had no chance to rescue The King of Pop, singer and entertainer Michael Jackson which has been able to gain the whole world with his music and arts.
No man or woman, no matter if they may like his music and performance of songs or not, would doubt, that Michael Jackson knew very well how to perform in a very creative way his music and arts.
Millions and legions of people have the need to share their feelings and to express their thoughts, even condolences with the family and close friends of Michael Jackson.
The three children of Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Jr. (I, 12) Paris Michael Katherine (11) and Prince Michael (7) may will be raised with their grandmother, which loves the children of her son.
There is no doubt Michael Jackson, The King of Pop has been one of the most famous artist, entertainers and singers in the world. He and his music had a great impact in this world. And there is no doubt, even after Michael Jackson has passed away, the arts of the entertainer will still have a great impact in this world. There are many different ways how to cope with this loss of a favorite and leading entertainer in the world.
Friends of Michael Jackson and his music are able to keep Michael Jackson as he wanted to be known and his music in good memory.
These friends might keep the entertainer in good memory as he loved to appear on stage, in the public and as he used to perform his arts.
Those friends and people which had a close relation with Michael Jackson might keep the singer in good memories as he lived in the truth apart from many different stories which appeared in the media and might not reflect the inside view as Michael Jackson truly has been during his life on earth.
Those friends of Michael Jackson which want to appreciate The King of Pop may follow one the basic and good example of the leading entertainer and be creative as he was in many ways. Michael Jackson, no matter if people may like his music and performance or not, has given an excellent example what it does mean to be creative and to have success with creative arts, music and performance.
There is a way to be creative yourself as The King of Pop used to be. Friends of Michael Jackson and his music might perform street dancing or dancing on the stage as he has given an example. Others might try to interpret his songs.
Other friends and supporters could easily perform the arts and help with the arts the poor people in Africa and many other places in this world as Michael Jackson has given an excellent and may one of the best example with the performance “We Are The World”, a song written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie in 1985 produced and conducted by Quincy Jones, recorded by a super group of 45 popular musicians billed as USA for Africa also know as United Support of Artists for Africa.
Friends could write creative poems and stories about their favorite entertainer or create a creative memorial web site for their King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
True friends of Michael Jackson might listen to their favorite music performed by the King of Pop and those DJ´s which do mourn about the loss of Michael Jackson might play his songs to keep the artist in good memory.
There are millions of creative ways how to appreciate The King Of Pop. For those people which do mourn and suffer about the loss of their favorite singer and want to appreciate Michael Jackson, as he wanted to be seen and known, on the friends and supporters will find some ideas and good instructions on “How To Appreciate Michael Jackson”.
If friends are creative as Michael Jackson was, they might be able to find a way how to appreciate the entertainer in a good sense: BE CREATIVE and perform the arts in a creative way, even if the performance might be discussed controversial in the future.
Legions and millions of friends of Michael Jackson and his music have the need to express their thought, feelings and condolences related to the loss of their idol or favorite music entertainer .
International big media and even alternative media are aware of the need of those people which do mourn in many different places and many different ways in this world about the loss of Michael Jackson.
Some services which will give room for condolences or public expression of the empathy for Michael Jackson, such as condolence books are offered world wide on:
Mahiram Tribute to Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 Era:
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414 (PDF Print Edition):
MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, (web online edition):
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