Thursday, June 25, 2009

Boycott The New York Times Website Marks 100th Posting

Boycott The New York Times Website Marks 100th Posting

WASHINGTON, June 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- Boycott The New York Times ( marked its 100th web posting this week. Launched during the 2008 presidential campaign, the website is dedicated to exposing and organizing a boycott of America's most biased media outlet -- which also sets the agenda for the rest of the liberal media.

"The Times has, over the course of decades, blatantly distorted the news to advance an ideological agenda," declared Don Feder, the editor of the Boycott The New York Times website. "Bias drips from every page of The Times, which has the audacity to style itself America's newspaper of record," Feder added.

"Barack Obama should have stamped on his tushie, 'Made by The New York Times,'" Feder told Michael Savage in a June 17 interview on "The Savage Nation," one of the top 5 talk shows in the U.S.. "The Times acted like a PR agency for Obama even before he launched his presidential campaign."

Feder said he was pleased by the success of the Boycott The New York Times campaign, noting that over 6,000 people so far have signed an online petition pledging to boycott the paper. One thousand of those signatures were added in the past week alone, after Michael Savage featured one of Feder's postings on his website and invited him on "The Savage Nation."

The project has received the support of such prominent conservatives as Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Janet Porter, Phyllis Schlafly and Lee Rodgers (KSFO, San Francisco). It has also been featured in WorldNetDaily, FrontPage Magazine and National Review's Media Blog.

Click here for the Boycott The New York Times petition.

About Boycott The New York Times:
A project of Accuracy In Media (AIM), Boycott The New York Times is the first website to call for a general boycott of America's most biased news outlet. The site provides contact information for The Times and its top advertisers, and an online petition that readers can sign to protest its liberal bias. For more information, go to and

About Don Feder:
Don Feder is the editor of Boycott The New York Times. A former Boston Herald editorial writer and syndicated political columnist, Feder has appeared on "The O'Reilly Factor," "Hannity and Colmes," "Politically Incorrect," "The 700 Club," "Focus On The Family," "Fox & Friends" and "The Savage Nation." His columns have been read on the air by Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura.

To arrange an interview with Don Feder, contact Sarah Schaerr Norton at (202) 364-4401 ext. 107 or

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