Momentum Builds for Pro-Life Prayer-&-Picket of NEA Teacher Union Convention in San Diego & NEA State HQs on July 2; Troy Newman, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, and Jeff White Join Team of Coordinators; Pastors & Churches Urged to Promote Demonstrations Across USA
SAN DIEGO, June 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- Bob Pawson of Pro-Life Educators And Students (PLEAS), announces, "Our growing team of pro-life coordinators now includes Jeff White from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Rev. Patrick Mahoney of Christian Defense Coalition, and Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, for the July 2 prayer-and-picket demonstrations during the NEA teacher union convention at the San Diego Convention Center and NEA-State-Affiliate offices across America.
"These esteemed pro-life leaders are promoting and recruiting for our peaceful, prayerful demonstrations regarding the NEA leadership's pro-abortion track record. They are speaking at the Rally for Life at New Beginnings Church in Norco, CA, this Tuesday evening alongside Rev. Walter B. Hoye II, president of Issues4Life Foundation."
Pro-Life citizens, teachers, parents, and children are urged to picket the National Education Association leadership's pro-abortion policies, actions, and agenda in San Diego between 10:00AM and 2:00PM and NEA-State-Affiliate-HQs in cities across America from 11:00AM through 1:00PM.
"During these final days before July 2nd, pro-life leaders, pastors, groups, and individuals are encouraged to organize demonstrations of a dozen or two picketers at NEA offices in their state's capitals and hometowns. Promote at worship services this Sunday. Gather together your family members and a few pro-life friends and just go to your state's NEA- affiliate offices with pro-life posters. Pray and picket for an hour. Children are especially effective messengers highlighting the hypocrisy of teacher-union leaders supporting abortion," said Pawson.
"The number of locations nationwide is more important than the number of picketers at any location. We don't necessarily need hundreds of picketers at each state's NEA-HQ. A dozen or two would be sufficient -- multiplied by many sites across 50 states. Pro-Lifers far from state capitals can picket their county or town's local NEA-affiliate listed in telephone book white pages."
Survivors founder, Jeff White, said, "It seems bizarre and surreal that teachers, people whose love for children is supposedly second only to that of their parents, would support the mass killing of babies. The Abortion Holocaust has also eliminated multitudes of jobs and careers for teachers and school workers. Why do NEA members tolerate this from their so-called leaders?"
"Apparently this event will be the first highly visible pro- life event since the murder of George Tiller," said Pawson. "Pro-abortion militants and hostile media pundits have exploited the killing of Tiller, by a madman not associated with our movement, to intimidate pro-lifers into silence and surrender. Our peaceful, prayerfully pickets should inspire millions of pro-life Americans to reaffirm that we express our concern, compassion, and desire for true justice through lawful, constitutional means using reason, rational discourse, and our right to assemble in the public square."
Pro-Life Opinion editor, Gingi Edmonds, says, "An overwhelming majority of NEA members, 82%, believe their union leaders should take no official position on abortion. Regardless of their personal political views, NEA members expect the leadership to fight for things like better teacher pay and higher standards in school; not to support pro-abortion candidates and justices who argue for killing the next generation of students."
State and local organizers should e-mail PLEAS detailing locations and leadership contact info. Also, send digital photos or video to PLEAS later that afternoon.
Mary Kuper reports that she and local San Diegan pro- life volunteers "will be located inside the NEA convention, in a booth, helping to educate the delegates on life issues."
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