Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pro-life Leader Slams Proposed State-Sponsored Sexualization of Latin American Children

Pro-life Leader Slams Proposed State-Sponsored Sexualization of Latin American Children

FRONT ROYAL, VA, June 17 /Christian Newswire/ -- Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International, today castigated members of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) following reports of the organization's declaration earlier this month calling for "comprehensive sexuality education starting in early childhood."

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the ECOSOC's meeting in Jamaica yielded a resolution declaring that: "Scientific evidence demonstrates that comprehensive sexuality education, including HIV/STI prevention methods -- such as the correct and consistent use of male and female condoms...neither accelerates sexual debut, nor increases the frequency of sexual relations."

"This is absolute nonsense! We know from almost every study on the topic that this is the exact opposite of the truth," said Fr. Euteneuer. "Condom promotion has not stopped HIV in the developing world. And propagandizing young children about a value-neutral approach to sex, and telling them that they'll be safe if they use condoms is exactly how you get them to start practicing sex before marriage."
"This outrage is perpetrated by pagans forcing their hedonistic values on the families of the only Catholic continent in the world. It is a violation of sovereignty of nations and of the rights of parents to teach their kids on these delicate matters," said Fr. Euteneuer.

Fr. Euteneuer pointed out that the 1995 Vatican document, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, condemns this form of sex education and manipulation.

"The innocence of children is too precious of a gift to throw away in deference to government and its coercive modern amorality," said Fr. Euteneuer.

"Parents, teachers, and all people of good will, let's tell them to get their grubby hands off our kids!"

Human Life International: Creating effective opposition to the culture of death around the world. Founded in 1981, HLI is the world's largest pro-life organization and has affiliates in over 87 countries on six continents.

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