Friday, July 3, 2009

Why Can't Scientists Believe in God

Why Can't Scientists Believe in God

Book Exposes Charles Darwin as The Man Who Separated God From Science

WASHINGTON, June 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- Charles Darwin spent his life spreading the myth that anything scientific could not include God--a myth that has grown to define science for the last 150 years. Darwin believed everything could be explained through natural selection--without the help of a divine hand--so he deliberately left God out of his version of evolution, known as Darwinism. As Dr. Benjamin Wiker reveals in his new book The Darwin Myth: The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin, it was in this moment that science and God could no longer peacefully coexist.

Darwin's legacy set ideological atheism as the default position of science. As Wiker explains, Darwinism isn't all wrong--but it's just a tiny part of something far grander, from which God cannot be reasonably excluded. The Darwin Myth exposes Darwin's ultimate goal behind his version of evolution: eliminating God not only from Darwinism, but from all science. Wiker also explores the collision between Darwin and Christianity--breaking down what it means, as a Christian, to either accept or deny evolution. Christians and scientists alike can use this book to find possible motives behind the removal of a divine creator in Darwin's vision of evolution.

2009 is the Year of Darwin, celebrating 200 years of Darwin the man and 150 years of his work that divorced God from science, On The Origin of Species. From Darwin's obsession with making the theory of evolution his own to his belief that progress meant the advance of secularized science against religion, The Darwin Myth offers a critical examination of Darwin's theories as well as the scientific, social, and religious implications of his life and work.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Benjamin Wiker, please contact Laura Bentz at (202) 216-0601, ext. 440 or

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