Friday, July 3, 2009

Vision America Proud to Participate in Freedom Federation

Vision America Proud to Participate in Freedom Federation

WASHINGTON, June 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, representatives of some of America's largest faith-based groups gathered in the nation's capital to announce that they will organize and mobilize their grassroots constituencies in a common cause.

At the National Press Club, Vision America President Pastor Rick Scarborough joined other conservative leaders, including Mat Staver, dean of Liberty University Law School and the Federation's convener, to formally announce the formation of the Freedom Federation.

The Federation encompasses individuals of different races, faiths and backgrounds who are committed to the preservation of freedom and American values, founded on the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Freedom Federation is not a separate organization, but an association of like-minded national organizations with large and unique religious and political constituencies.

A partial listing of organizations involved in the Freedom Federation includes: the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (America's largest Hispanic Christian organization); Teen Mania (reaching several hundred thousand teens each year); American Association of Christian Counselors (the largest Christian counseling organization with over 50,000 professional members); Liberty University (the largest evangelical university in the world with 50,000 students); Catholic Online; American Family Association; Family Research Council; Liberty Counsel, Vision America; The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention; Concerned Women for America; Traditional Values Coalition (a coalition of 45,000 evangelical churches); National Clergy Council; Eagle Forum; Americans for Prosperity; and BOND (the Los Angeles-based Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

Scarborough commented: "These organizations represent some of the nation's largest constituencies of youth, Hispanics, African-Americans, women, pastors and churches, who are uniting to defend a tradition increasingly under attack."

The Freedom Federation is committed to defending and extending core values expressed in the Declaration of American Values, the organization's founding document. These include the right to life, the institution of marriage, parental rights, religious liberty, an environment free of pornography and indecency, the right to property, freedom from excessive taxation, and national sovereignty. The statement is posted on the Vision America website at

For more information or to schedule an interview with Rick Scarborough, contact Catherine Rouse at 936- 560-3900 or

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