Friday, July 3, 2009

Pro-Life Youth to Picket Office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Pro-Life Youth to Picket Office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

LOS ANGELES, June 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Youth activists will demand that not penny of taxpayer funds be used to pay for abortions while teachers and community services are being cut in California due to budget concerns.

The demonstration will take place on Tuesday, June 30 at 11:00 A.M.

The location will be at 300 South Spring St., Los Angeles

The 65 youth activists will be carrying large signs and banners.

This event kicks off a national campaign by Survivors called "Teachers not Abortions."

Sarah Massell, a member of Survivors, states, "The pro-abortion movement is always telling us that we cannot force our morality on them. If abortion is a moral issue, why are taxpayers being forced to pay for abortions rather than fund education?

"Public funds that should be going to ensure our teachers are properly compensated are now going to fund unlimited and unrestricted abortions. The more we cut resources to our educational system the more it will have a negative impact on future generations."

Timmerie Millington adds, "We have become a society that kills its own children with unlimited public funds. Yet, firefighters and police officers who have laid down their lives to protect our nation are losing their jobs because our tax dollars are being spent on the killing of America's children."

Survivors is one of the leading pro-life youth activist organizations in the nation and they are sponsoring their annual 10 day leadership training and camp in Southern California.

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