Friday, July 3, 2009

AFTAH Warns of Obama's Radical Homosexual Agenda as President Meets Today with Gay Activists

AFTAH Warns of Obama's Radical Homosexual Agenda as President Meets Today with Gay Activists

MEDIA ADVISORY June 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) warns that President Obama will likely renew his radical promises to homosexual activists today at a White House "Pride Month" reception -- promises that, if fulfilled, will undermine the freedoms of the majority of Americans who affirm marriage and healthy, time-tested Judeo-Christian sexual values in their daily lives.

This afternoon, President Obama will meet with homosexual and transsexual activists at a "Reception for LGBT Pride Month." AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera reminds voters that Obama has no mandate for his comprehensive "gay" agenda, since these agenda items were barely discussed in the general election campaign:

* Obama's commitment to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act -- which could force pro-traditional- marriage states to recognize out-of-state homosexual "marriages";

* Obama's plans to homosexualize the U.S. military despite the plea of 1,100 high-ranking retired military officers not to overturn current law declaring homosexuality incompatible with military service;

* Obama's plans to create federal workplace "rights" based on transsexuality;

* Obama's Faith Advisory appointment of Harry Knox, who called the pope a "discredited leader" and homosexuality a "gift from God," thus mocking holy Scripture;

* Obama's appointment of Kevin Jennings to head up "Safe Schools" at the Department of Education. As founder of Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Jennings presided over a scandal in which a GLSEN-sponsored workshop exposed underage children to graphic discussions by homosexual adults on how to perform dangerous and bizarre gay perversions; Jennings also said "[F**k] 'em" and "Drop dead" to religious conservatives in a 2000 speech;

* Obama's appointment of John Berry as Office of Personnel Management Director, strategically placed to advance homosexual activism throughout the federal government;

* Obama's agenda of federalizing pro- homosexual "hate crimes" and employment law -- which would undermine Americans' freedoms and vastly increase the power of the state to punish moral- minded citizens by promoting homosexuality and gender confusion as official government policy;

* Obama's goal to homosexualize immigration laws, thus further undermining marriage and incentivizing the immigration of homosexuals -- adding new stress to an already burdened system;

* The White House's honoring of "gay pride" and radical, anti-Christian bigots like homosexual icon Frank Kameny -- who smears religious conservatives as "Christianofascists" -- and who cynically proclaims, despite being an atheist, that "gay is godly."

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